To apply for membership of Taikokoro Inc, please click below.
Membership is valid for 12 months.
Ichiban ($75)
Suitable for adult members interested in multiple styles of taiko
Early registration window to all workshops organised by Taikokoro
Discounts to all workshops organised by Taikokoro
Discounts to all practices organised by Taikokoro
Voting rights at meetings
Can nominate other members for the Committee
Can be elected to the Committee
Mailing list
Niban ($50)
Suitable for adult members interested in one style of taiko
Early registration to all workshops organised by Taikokoro
Discounts to all practices organised by Taikokoro
Voting rights at meetings
Can nominate other members for the Committee
Can be elected to the Committee
Mailing list
Rinjin ($40)
Non-Victorian resident membership
Condition – not applicable for those residing in Victoria.
Early registration window to all workshops organised by Taikokoro
Discounts to all workshops organised by Taikokoro
Discounts to all practices organised by Taikokoro
No voting rights at meetings
Cannot nominate other members for the Committee
Cannot be elected to the Committee
Mailing list
Gakusei ($30)
Student membership
Condition – applicable only for those who are under the age of 15 years or who hold a current student card.
Early registration window to all workshops organised by Taikokoro
Discounts to all workshops organised by Taikokoro
Discounts to all practices organised by Taikokoro
No voting rights at meetings
Cannot nominate other members for the Committee
Cannot be elected to the Committee
Mailing list
Tomodachi (free)
Mailing list only
Download a PDF copy of the fees here.
Taikokoro Inc Association Documents
As an incorporated association in Victoria, Taikokoro Inc’s rules may be found here.